Children Fearlessly Act Beyond Our Expectations

Children Fearlessly Act Beyond Our Expectations

Luke 2:49 (HSCB)

“Why were you searching for Me?… Didn’t you know that I had to be in My Father’s house?

Luke 2:49 (HSCB)

“Children must be seen and not heard” is a decades-old statement. It formed the basis for children’s conduct and the expectations adults have of them. However, it seems as though the expectation of quietness has been replaced with plain-spoken, truth-telling little ones who are not afraid or ashamed to say it as it is, calling a spade a spade without fear or favour and acting out of the convictions of their hearts. Well, so it was with Jesus as a child.

The account of Luke 2:41-52 shows us that Jesus travelled with his family, relatives, and friends to celebrate the Passover festival in Jerusalem. Considering how active children could be at times, I could only imagine how Jesus may have been moving among His relatives and friends with joyful liberty as they travelled. Jesus’ earthly parents may not have been worried initially because their son was within trusted company. But the unexpected happened. Jesus went missing! What anxiety filled their hearts (as would fill the hearts of any loving parent who cares for their children)!

The search was on! They started looking among the travelling group. When they couldn’t find Him, they went back to Jerusalem. After searching for three days, they found Him in the Temple, sitting with the religious teachers, listening to them, and asking them questions. There, Jesus’ understanding and answers amazed the hearers! His parents, too, were astonished!

Dealing with the Unexpected

Stunned by all this, Jesus’ parents didn’t know what to think. What would you think or do in such a case? Sometimes, gentle parenting offers deeper insights than harsh scolding. There is always a reason for an action, even for children. We can choose to be hasty in our reactions or investigative to gain greater understanding. 

Jesus’ mother approached this scenario with a question: “Son, why have you treated us like this?” (Verse 48). Then she continued, “Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” But Jesus’ response surpassed His earthly parents’ understanding: “Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know that I had to be in My Father’s house?”

Dealing with God’s Special Children

Jesus’ mother, Mary, knew she was dealing with a special God-given child. In fact, both of His earthly parents knew they were entrusted with raising the Son of God. I believe there were many other incidents they could not understand. But I draw attention to Jesus’ mother’s approach: She treasured all these things in her heart.

Parents, guardians, relatives, and friends, God Almighty has entrusted you with watching over the souls of our little ones. Do it well. If you lack understanding, ask God for it. Seek strategies and gain insights from the Creator to raise and nurture them well. God’s special treasures are in your hands; raise them well.


Dear God, thank You for entrusting me with Your little ones. Teach me to care for and nurture them well. Give me insight, understanding, and strategies to raise them according to Your divine and perfect plan for their lives, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Psalm 127:3; Matthew 19:14

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 57:1-6; John 4:43-54; John 5:1-15; Judges 4; Judges 5

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